Sunday, June 7, 2009

Half Way to Zero

As you may have noticed, the name of my blog is chuta hampa. Some people translate it as “half ass” but that doesn’t really express the full feeling of chuta hampa. This feeling is akin to taking action without the attachment to the need for it to be completed. Much like how you can shut a door by giving it a push to start it moving, but then you can allow the weight of the door complete the motion. You do not need to push the entire distance in order for the door to shut. The initial push is enough. In fact one might say that one finger is enough ;)

This is the idea behind chuta hampa. It is not doing it “half assed.” In the context of ninjutsu, it is starting something with the uke and then moving on to the next thing while the uke is still trapped in the inertia of the first thing you started. This is another way to do/think/create the whole past, present, future thing I talked about in the previous kukan blog.

For example, the uke punches, you move to the inside space of where his punch is not. You rotated inward to have your chest facing his punch. Then, you use your front knee to hit his knee to lower him down and back slightly, bringing you his hand. You then apply ura gyakku on the uke. As soon so you twist his wrist, you let it go and let the momentum do the rest thus trapping him for a moment in the motion. Meanwhile, because you let go of the hand and are not attached to either the hand or the outcome, you are free to move into the next space created. Thus, moving into the future. Now, what you do from there is completely dependent upon how you read the space. What is important is that you visualize yourself letting go and moving on. You start something and then move on, then start something else and move on from that too. By understanding this concept you can begin to understand and create kyojutsu.

By utilizing the principle and essence of chuta hampa, you will always be a step ahead of your uke. While he is still reacting to the firs thing you did, you will have moved onto the second and third and beyond.

Do you really think you can out punch a boxer or out grapple a grappler? NO! But you can out maneuver them. You can confuse them and in that process be one step ahead.

For further illustration, I will be video blogging this soon….

Btw, two “half asses” do not make a whole!


  1. Very nice way to put it, Joel. I can totally visualize the concept.


  2. Hence ,the truth of Ninjutsu!!
